The EnneagraM & THE IEQ9 TEST

A powerful tool for self-awareness.

The Enneagram Profile is a useful guide on the journey towards self-development, relationship building, conflict resolution and the improvement of team dynamics.


I utilize the Enneagram with an Open Systems perspective. It is not intended to ‘box’, limit or categorize people. The Integrative Enneagram Report (IEQ9) assesses an individual as a more complex, layered, unique and distinct being.


Each number represents a worldview and archetype that resonates with the way in which we think, feel and act and how we stand in relation to the world, others and ourselves. 


The Enneagram creates meta-awareness at an individual and team level and uncovers the focus and patterns of behavior that sub-consciously drive and motivate us to act in certain ways.

In making these patterns and motivations conscious, we are able to develop and transcend the ‘trance’ of our personality type. The Enneagram also provides a very powerful model for understanding how development and integration operates, given the core motivational pattern we start from. It empowers us to take responsibility for our own behaviors and growth from a greater understanding of why we act and react in a certain way.

Why work with the Enneagram?

An organization consists of groups of individuals working together. As such, the optimization of individual, team and organizational level behavior and outputs contribute significantly to the overall success of the business. 

The Enneagram creates meta-awareness at an individual and team level and uncovers the focus and patterns of behavior that sub-consciously drive and motivate us to act in certain ways. In making these patterns and motivations conscious, the individual is able to develop and transcend these patterns. The Enneagram also provides a powerful model for understanding how development and integration occurs, given the core motivational pattern we start from. It empowers the individual to take responsibility for his or her own growth from a greater understanding of why they act and react in a certain way. 

Using the Enneagram as a tool in Coaching.

Over the past four decades, the Enneagram has proven to be one of the most powerful tools in the coaching environment. When being coached, the use of the Enneagram does not only fast track insight, growth and integration for the individual client, but also gives durability and magnitude to the individual development process over time. The Enneagram is not a superficial framework to provide just a quick and short-lived insight. The depth and layered approach to the Enneagram enable the coaching process to allow clients to develop themselves over time, as it continues to resonate more deeply as they change and their circumstances change. Through the lines, wings, centre of intelligence, instincts and levels of integration, more subtle and powerful pathways to development open up to the individual. 


Individual Benefits:

 Creates meta-awareness at the level of motivation 

 Increases consciousness and confidence 

 Enables clearing of core emotional issues 

 Provides a framework for understanding functional and dysfunctional behaviours that stem from core motivations 

 Increases compassion for self and others 

 Uncovers pathways to development and integration 

 Positions these individual patterns and behaviours within current and historical context 

 Increases productivity and motivation 

 Creates a language and sensemaking framework that stretches deeper than a personality trait based approach 



Team Benefits:

 Reduces judgement and criticism of others while building understanding and tolerance 

 Provides a framework for making sense of team conflict and challenges 

 Enables the team to move beyond a pattern of blaming conflict on “personality differences” 

 Repolarizes teams while dismantling more traditional “fault lines” in the team 

 Improves working relationships and team productivity 

 Enhances business procedures 

 Improves communication while also developing a new language framework for team dynamics 



Organizational Benefits

 Decreases behind-the-scenes organizational politics 

 Improves change management and decreases fear of change 

 Can unleash organizational creativity through greater individual integration 

 Improves productivity and performance 

 Creates a framework which enables greater project leadership 

 Builds organizational integrity 

 Enables more impactful corporate communication 

 Contributes to development of talent 

 Plays a role in enabling culture change