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Dare to Lead™ On-Line!

At this time, Dare to ™ is no longer offered as an in-person retreat, but is available as a ‘virtual workshop’. Join us!When we change how we lead, we will change the world.We are living in unprecedented times, maneuvering through volatility, uncert…

At this time, Dare to ™ is no longer offered as an in-person retreat, but is available as a ‘virtual workshop’. Join us!

When we change how we lead, we will change the world.

We are living in unprecedented times, maneuvering through volatility, uncertainty, complexity and social distancing. Now more than ever, the world needs brave leaders and courageous cultures!

Based on the groundbreaking research of Dr. Brené Brown, Dare to Lead™ is a courage-building leadership program informed by over two decades of study on vulnerability, shame, courage and empathy, and a seven-year study on courageous leadership.

During this online experiential workshop, we’ll dive into four empirically-proven skill sets of courageous leadership that are teachable, measurable, and observable:

Rumbling with Vulnerability: Facing risk, uncertainty, and emotional exposure with courage and clarity.
Living into our Values: Identifying, operationalizing, and practicing the beliefs that we hold most important.
Braving Trust: Creating or deepening connections in relationships and teams based on the seven elements of trust.
Learning to Rise: Learning and growing from failures, setbacks and disappointments that are inevitable when we are brave with our lives.

For our work, a leader is defined as ‘anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes and has the courage to develop that potential’.

We invite you to pause and dedicate this moment to developing yourself as a brave and visionary leader. In our personal life and professional world..."who we are is how we lead.”


Monday, April 6 - Thursday, April 9

8:00am - 12Noon PST (each day)

NOTE: On Sunday, April 5, 6-7pm, we will conduct do a group meet-up and review video conferencing set-up and etiquette. Look for more details in a follow-up email post registration.


Attendance at all 4 training day sessions (16 hours total)

Dependable internet connection

Large screen device (computer, tablet, etc); for viewing multiple participants, videos and documents

Undistracted and comfortable work space

Dare to Lead™ Workbook; shipped to you upon registration completion

Brave leaders and teams build communities of belonging everywhere, including by virtual means. We look forward to co-creating a rich, engaging and empowering experience with you, online!

Brené Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston where she holds the Huffington Foundation – Brené Brown Endowed Chair at The Graduate College of Social Work.

Further information is available at

Earlier Event: October 18
Be Brave Retreat at Islandwood
Later Event: May 23
Compassion Sampler